Basics of Windows Server Licensing
12:45 PM // 0 comments // Lonely // Category: technologyBasics of Windows Server Licensing
To enjoy the services of the terminal server, you need to check out for the related licensing required for your users and devices.
When we buy a new windows system, we need to install Windows Server 2003 which is a very crucial when it comes to networking. After its installation, the next thing that matters is the window terminal server license which is required by the users managing windows server 2003.
The window server License model consists of the server license for each copy of the server software that is being installed. Along with Window terminal server license we need a Window server 2003 CAL. For conducting a window session, we need to have an incremental terminal Server client Access License.
In case of windows session, Windows terminal server license is required for each user or device.
There are two modes of Window terminal server License-
1. Device CAL (Client access license)-It permits one device used by any user to conduct Windows session on any of the terminal server.
2. User CAL-It permits one user that may use any device to conduct window session on any of the terminal servers.
You can also use the combination of the Device CAL’s and User CAL’s at the same time. By selecting the Per User window terminal server license option you can have a terminal server request USER CAL’s
And by selecting the Per Device window server terminal license you can have Device CAL’s but not both at the same time.
But if you want to use the User and Device CAL’s at the same time then you have to configure the server to the Per User CAL window terminal server license option.
And if you fail to have the appropriate number of User’s and Device CAL’s for each device or user for connecting then it is the violation to the EULA.
When the window Server 2003 is installed, it is activated as windows XP and Vista do. With the every purchase of the operating system, it is accompanied with 5 user licenses.Now, if you want to use it as the terminal server and you think that 5 users can connect to the server. It is not correct. For this you have to buy the window terminal server license for every user you want to connect to the terminal server.
Now the question is then what are those 5 licenses with operating system? They are the window licenses.
So, in case of window terminal server license, if you got 10 users to be connected with the terminal server. Then you require 10 user licenses and 10 terminal services user licenses, this becomes 20 window terminal server licenses in total for your 10 users.
What actually is the implication for the licensing applications on your terminal server system?
We will illustrate it through an example.
Like we talk about Microsoft Office 97.It said that the user is allowed to install the copy of Office in his desktop system along with the copy of office in the company issued laptop. But nothing more than that. You need to buy a new copy of office actually has an access over it on two separate systems. Microsoft earlier offered concurrent licenses for Office but stopped doing it when the company released Terminal Server.
So next time you install a new system, make sure to surely check for the window terminal server license and its authenticity.
The author is associated with generation of numerous articles on window server support, window server 2000, windows server 2003 r2, window terminal server license etc and other technical support.
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